Friday, December 20, 2013

Words of Wisdom from Elmsworth

Elmsworth is the main character and leader of the menagerie of ornaments in So This is Christmas . With so many Christmases under his belt, he has become a sort of mentor and sage for all the other ornaments. Of course, this leads to a few words of wisdom throughout the book. I thought I would share a few of them with you today.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Paperback Edition of "So This is Christmas" Available on Amazon

Front and Back Cover layout
The long wait for the paperback version of So This is Christmas is over. You can now order your copy from Amazon. If you are an Amazon Prime member, you can have your copy in your hands in two days with free shipping!

Thanks for your patience and support.

is the author of the #1 Kindle Bestselling Young Adult novel, The Card. He's also a healthcare consultant specializing in helping healthcare companies and practices develop a social media marketing platform, and maximize cash flow. You can find him posting weekly to Indies Unlimited and occasionally as a contributor on Yahoo!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Seven Things to Avoid When Self-Publishing

So This is Christmas, a new novel by Jim Devitt

This post received a lot of eyeballs over on Indies Unlimited earlier this week, I thought I would share it in this space as well. Having just published my Christmas novel, So This is Christmas, I’d like to write about some of the things you shouldn’t do when publishing your book. 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Another Five Star Review for the Holiday Novel - So This is Christmas

Hi, All!

Another Five star review hit Amazon! Check out Michelle's review at So This is Christmas

Here's an excerpt to get you started:

"... This is a great book to get you in the Christmas spirit any time of year. It brings out the true meaning of Christmas..."

Thanks, Michelle!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

New Five Star Review for So This is Christmas

The first reviews have started to hit Amazon for my new Christmas novel, So This is Christmas, Tony Valente gave it five stars and you can see his review here

Here's an excerpt of his review:

"... After reading this book, I now know that Jim's two kids are some of the luckiest kids in the Christmas world. In every page, you can feel his love for the Christmas season. More importantly, he brings the magic of the season into the modern era ..."

Thanks, Tony, for the great review!

You can purchase your copy of  So This is Christmas by clicking this link or the one on the sidebar.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

So This is Christmas Hits the Virtual Bookshelves

So This is Christmas by Jim Devitt
It's finally here! The release of my new Christmas novel, So This is Christmas.

“… Christmas is about love and giving. It’s a time to remember past traditions and make up new ones…”

The Anderson family loves Christmas. You could even call them Christmas junkies. After moving up north, Mark, Carla and their children Cindy and Tony, finally get their postcard Christmas of warm fires and snow.

As the big day approaches, it’s a joyous time for everyone, except for Tony. Adjusting to a new school can be hard on a nine-year old and he’s ruining Christmas for everyone. In this holiday story, the magic of Christmas comes to life in the most unusual of places.

For young and old alike, this magical tale of finding Christmas spirit is sure to become a new tradition for Christmases to come.

This is a family affair, Melissa, my wife, did the original artwork for the cover!

Currently, it is available on Amazon. The paperback edition is still in formatting and will be available soon.