Exciting news, just the other day, a new five start review showed up on Amazon and Goodreads. The reader and apparently fan of The Card, had this to say ...
" ... The Card is full of action, suspense, and mystery. Though at first, I had a little trouble getting into the book with its young adult slant, once the mystery-laden plot took off, I found it hard to put down. The story takes several twists and turns and has an ending you won't see coming... "
Wow, couldn't have said it better myself!
He goes on to say ...
Thanks a ton to Brian Beam, I realize it takes time to write a few words about the books you read. I really appreciate the review.
For those of you out there who have not left your review, "Please do!"
Reviews are a big part of what gives our books exposure. It doesn't have to be lengthy or full of prose. A couple of sentences about why you liked or didn't like the book can go a long way.
Jim Devitt is a contributing author of Indies Unlimited and The Card is his debut novel. Look for more toward the end of 2012.
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